Fr. Marc Vernoy SSPX Calls His Fellow Priests to Do their Duty and Denounce and Fight the Evils of the Modern World and the Novus Ordo Sect. He is Obviously a Courageous Man.


  1. Excellent, but personally I believe Pope Benedict is still the Holy Father.

  2. Why does SSPX keep cozying up to Pope Francis and his cronies?

    He surrounds himself with corrupted individuals which begs the question has SSPX become
    corrupt at some level?

    The fact is SSPX is friendly with Pope Francis. Why?

    1. The SSPX is not 'friendly' with the Pope. They simply come when they are summoned as they always have. This is primarily not because they expect any real breakthroughs in their talks on doctrine, but so that it can be made manifest to the Catholic world that they are *not* schismatic nor excommunicated. So that it can be made plain that they do what lies in their power to bring the Roman authorities to their Catholic sense. I would have thought that by now everyone of good will could see this. The SSPX is not corrupt, it is the last bastion of truth and doctrinal purity in the world.

  3. I watched the first 5 or so minutes and was disappointed to find that the title was not true, so I stopped watching. It says he called upon priests to "denounce... the Vatican II Sect". However he did not. He claimed the Vatican II Sect was the Catholic Church so I didn't waste my time watching further, (does he change his mind later?). Like all SSPX priests he tacitly claims that he is in an organization that is better than the Catholic Church. Bishop Fellay, Fr Pagliarani and all of them including Arch Lefebvre say that that blaspheming circus in the Vatican is the Catholic Church. I also skipped to watch the last few minutes (hoping he really would still denounce it as a Sect) only to find that he promotes the false apparition of Akita. Disappointing. I prefer "The Syllogism of Sedevacantism" by Bishop Donald Sanborn which makes clear that it is indeed a sect and that Jorge is not the Pope. "You can't have it both ways" and wasn't that a title of an article on novusordowatch that was written for Fr Chazal. So true. Either it is the Church or it is a Sect. The Catholic Church doesn't morph.


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