Sister Lucy's Smile: Sister Lucy I + New Teeth = Sister Lucy II. Right? Wrong. Look at the Evidence Here.

In 1948, according to documents, Sister Lucy dos Santos had all of her teeth extracted because of infection and replaced with a denture. We have the pictures of the letter in which this is documented. Does this explain away the difference in appearance between the old and "new" Sister Lucy. Nope. Examine the smile of Sister Lucy below and see that the known Sister Lucy, both pre and post extraction, have the same shaped smile, whereas the new "Sister Lucy" has a distinctly different shape to her smile. 


Left is the KNOWN INDIVIDUAL. Right IS the UNKNOWN INDIVIDUAL. SMILE SHAPE APPEARS TO DIFFER (U-SHAPE v. ARCH SHAPE). Notice how the older "glasses" Sister Lucy has a consistent upside down Arch shaped smile and how the known Sister Lucy both pre and post extraction has a U shaped smile. Don't worry. We are having the gums checked out too!

Note, the second and third set of pictures show the known Sister Lucy (1948) contrasted with the 1967 "Sister Lucy". Notice the smile of the 1967 Sister Lucy perfectly matches the older, 90s Sister Lucy, but does not at all match the known Sister Lucy whose pictures were taken in the 1940s. 

Follow the link below to the contrasting photos:


  1. So the woman in this picture is not an impostor?

  2. The picture of Sister Lucy post extraction is a great discovery! What seems odd is that the “unknown individual” both young and old also appears to use dentures.

  3. Or perhaps the "unknown individual" has natural teeth! I saw a photo in the google section (copyright crc-internet) that shows her in the eighties and her teeth seems the same as the 1967 one, but not so short as the old "unknown individual" who could be explained by age or gum disease. And then there could be no doubt of the subsitution! post 1958 (the photos of the Sister Lucy in the convent in the forties and the fifties (the one of she near the statue of the Virgin) are of the true Sister Lucy. I say the "substitution" (I am not sure of her total dissapearence because of some letters faithful to the message of Fatima or of true spirituality until de late eighties, even one in which she saids that she is "old and is prepared to see God face to face").

  4. As a dentist/periodontist I would say that the teeth of the unknown sr. Lucy are artificial. We dentists would call it it a bad upper denture, showing too much gums (acrylic) and very short plastic teeth. Such denture has a bigger chance to be taken measure for an edentulous person, when after extraction, and healing of the extraction wounds, there still remains a high aveolar ridge, leaving insufficient space for a natural looking denture.
    The pre- and post-extraction photographs of the known sr. Lucy clearly show a difference. Of course! As a periodontist, the natural pre-extraction teeth seem to me to have periodontal disease, which has lead to loss of alveolar bone to the extent that there was sufficient space for more natural looking denture teeth.
    I am still in the procedure of examining all the sent photos, with regards to gums, and gum size, and position relative to the teeth.


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