Found Out! Brian McCall Fired as Dean at Law School For Articulating Common-Sense in the Secular Realm. Welcome, Brian to the Other Side of the Tracks --- Sort of.

                                            When they found out he was Editor-In-Chief of the
                                            "Anti-Semitic" Catholic Family News it was "Bye-Bye"
                                            Dean McCall. Today marks one Yalie Up another Yalie Down!


Also, from Yahoo. women-must-veil-form-associate-dean-resigns-law-school-sexist-homophobic-book-excerpts-spark-controversy-193427497.html


  1. (((Southern Poverty Law Center)))

  2. Can't find a damn thing wrong with his statements!!!

  3. The SPLC is the greatest fear mongering , race baiting "organization" that scares people( mostly of Jewish decent) into donating massive amounts of funds, that they DON'T give to poor black southerners; but quietly launder hundreds of millions through the Tiger Corporation in the Cayman islands for their own enrichment.
    As far as misogyny goes, the SPLC founder Morris Dees was accused in divorce records of incredible sexual deviancy and attempted seduction of his 16 year old step-daughter . It's all on line.
    Maybe you should research your "progressive" sources as well as you do your conservative ones.


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