The Priest who Burned the Material of His Sodomite Predecessor is Ordered to Psychiatric Ward while Priest who Possessed the Material is Given a Three Day Grand Funeral by Diocese.
From the American Conservative,
Here is the most poignant part of the article. Spoken of below is the death of the sodomite "pastor" of "Resurrection parish" in Chicago. This material is not fit for children, but it is a necessary "picking up of the rock" of the Novus Ordo church. Here is the paragraph. Full article can be read by clicking the link above.
Here is a link to a 10-minute on-camera Church Militant interview with Father Paul Kalchik, the Chicago priest who is now in hiding after being tossed from his parish by Cardinal Blase Cupich. Kalchik lost his position after presiding over the burning of a rainbow flag that had a cross stitched on it. In the early 1990s, the gay pastor of Resurrection parish hung it over the altar as a sign that the parish was gay-friendly. After Kalchik and fellow parishioners ritually disposed of the flag recently, the cardinal ordered him removed from the parish, and allegedly commanded him to go to St. Luke’s, a mental health treatment center best known for treating clerical pederasts.
Kalchik fled — he says to avoid being arrested. In the final three minutes of the interview I link to above, Kalchik talks about the death of the gay pastor, Daniel Montalbano, who was found dead in his rectory bedroom of a heart attack in 1997. Kalchik says that three deacons saw Montalbano hooked up to some sort of “sex machine.” Montalbano had walls covered by mirrors. In cleaning out Montalbano’s room, deacons found two closets full of gay pornography — magazines, videos, and so forth. Kalchik says the deacons took them out to be burned, and were ordered by the Archdiocese never to speak of these things.
Here is another report in which Fr. Kalchik explains why he burned the Rainbow flag:
As events have unfolded over the last month, we find the Church engulfed in a great battle. Many cardinals, bishops and even the Pope seem to be living double lives. They, at times, speak eloquently about the Faith and present themselves as men striving for holiness. But then the records show they are either living very sinful lives or have covered up for others who do so, leaving them to prey on more victims.And also, when asked to speak about the abuse, they play it down; they are more concerned with global warming, migrant issues and fake homophobia than their real mission of saving souls. Thusly, many of the faithful have found themselves shaken, deeply disturbed, because the institutional Church has been revealed to be a sham. The Church is at war, but this war is anything but civil.A week ago, I was threatened with removal of my faculties to serve as a priest by those in charge at the archdiocese. They told me in no uncertain terms that we could not burn a rainbow banner as it would be offensive to the gay community.A week ago, I was threatened with removal of my faculties to serve as a priest by those in charge at the archdiocese.This does not scare me. Over the course of my life, I have been to Hell and back a couple times over. I recognize what is evil and have vowed to God to take steps to thwart that evil. God grants authority, and I follow my conscience, formed by His law. The gay banner superimposed over Our Lord’s Cross, a symbol of Our Lord’s Passion, had to go.Instead of a public display, which had every chance of turning violent, based on many hate-filled profane phone calls, the banner was burned privately, with a small group of our regular adorers of the Blessed Sacrament assisting in cutting it to pieces. Then, a prayer of exorcism was said over this diabolic thing, and it was burnt in a blessed fire and reduced to ash.
Meanwhile, the Archbishop who revealed that Anti-Pope Francis had covered up sexual abuse in the church has now gone into hiding in fear for his life.
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