Patience! Sister Lucy Truth Investigation Barrels Forward. New Experts Added to Team With New Information. Facial Recognition and Forensic Report Coming Soon.

                                                                       Who Is She?

Patience dear readers of RadTrad Thomist and Sister Lucy Truth supporters! This summer has been an important one for the investigation of what happened to Sister Lucy of Fatima. Investigators have been working late into the night during these last couple of weeks analyzing all the visual evidence of the Sister Lucy case into order to render a conclusive scientific verdict on the identity of Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II, i.e., Sister Lucy pre-1958 and Sister Lucy post-1958. The importance of this investigation cannot be overestimated. In the midst of the facial recognition analysis, new experts have come forward who have now joined the team. Things are moving quickly. I fill find out more information about the ongoing investigation on August 15th, Feast of Our Lady's Assumption. I know that everyone who reads this site understands the importance of a comprehensive, conclusive, and scientific conclusion being produced in this case, so that its results cannot be gainsaid. There have been many who have written in and urged me to stop the investigation, because there was no problem with the identify of Sister Lucy dos Santos. So far, I have NOT heard from ANY expert or investigator who has said that THERE WAS NOT A PROBLEM.

I have been so focused on this investigation that I have not been posting on the other issues that have come to the forefront this month. The reason is that I want to stay focused and get the results of the Facial Recognition aspect of the Sister Lucy Investigation published and circulated.

More information soon. Have you noticed the "Lazy Eye" that characterizes the pictures of Sister Lucy I but not the pictures of Sister Lucy II?


  1. Dr. Chojnowski, no matter where the investigation leads, let the truth come out. God loves truth because God is TRUTH. Our Lord said all lies come from the devil. Do not be deterred by any negativity. Let the truth be known.

  2. nail biter! But lets face it. No one will care outside tradition will care. The novus ordo will keep blazing away!

    1. are you kidding? with that kind of proof, you really think the people who were schooled in NO and know nothing different will not care? No, many will still care and many will recognize that since this usurper lied about Heaven having accepted the shoddy consecration without naming RUSSIA specifically, that means it was never done at all.. THIS WILL WAKE UP THE NO Mass people.. don't be such a negative nellie Unknown

    2. My friend, I am willing to bet that you will hear crickets when Peter releases his "Bombshell". It will be dismissed it as conspiracy kookery. Not one (mark me) not one NO publication will even mention it.

  3. I guess that makes sister Lucy a martyr. Please pray for us sister Lucy.



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