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  1. I was reflecting upon all the great hoaxes of the modern age, esp. of those perpetrated in the 20th century. How many were revealed? I couldn't think of very fact hardly any....but one did come to mind....the infamous Piltdown man know the one that proclaimed it found the evolutionary connection between man and monkey. Who was one of the central players in that fraud...why none other than one of the great shapers of Chardin. Remnant defenders who on one hand will debunk evolution, but never, to my knowledge, attack the fraud of de Chardin in this matter....try to proclaim the Vatican would never deceive. Naivete? Hmmm...playing both sides. A principal shaper of the whole Vat2 hoax (and loved by the freemasons) was a liar and a fraud. And that is a fact Jack.

  2. If as you, Dr. Chojnowski, have said, that the Vatican is keeping its eye on the effort to demonstrate that there is a fake Sr. Lucia; and if the Vatican has indeed substituted a false Sr. Lucia, what is to stop the most powerful One World Order/New Age CABAL in the Church from paying off those non-Catholics who are supposedly going provide the reality? Who are you, Dr. Chojnowski, in the face of that powerful CABAL? And what haven't they used to get rid of any good effort attempted: blackmail, murder, threats to destroy or ruin? I think we will have to wait until the Last Judgment before we discover the truth.

  3. Well, unless Sister Lucy was given a chin, I don't see how the two people are one and the same. if this is shown to be true, this will be the equivalent of 52 PickUp (meaning all the cards will be thrown in the air). So the "sainthood" of JP2, and the various other popes who had to know will be shown to be liars. And this will be very hard--very hard. But the truth must be told. Because this present Church is being disfigured by all these lies, and the only way we will get back on the right track will be to wake people up and remove the power from the liars. But the media and all the Catholic haters will have a field day.

  4. Do you have a paypal account? Or do you have an address I can send a check to? Thanks.

  5. There is a Donate icon on the side bar of the front page of the blog, you can use a credit card to donate there just as with PayPal. Or you can send a check to:

    Sister Lucy Truth
    4104 N Murray Dr
    Otis Orchards, WA 99027

    Thank you for your support.


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