St. Robert Bellarmine Waits for the Remnant to Renounce Writer Who Wrote that Cardinals can Depose and Remove a Pope. I don't think that it is mere coincidence that St. Robert Bellermine's Feast Day is May 13th!

                                       Body of St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Papacy
                                       That is TEACHER of the Catholic Doctrine of the Papacy
                                       The Papacy Itself Does Not Need a Doctor.
                                       Sorry Chris and John J.D.

So we should be able to look to the Pope to find the Catholic Faith....whoa......crazy man!

And then there is the "traditional Catholic" Remnant ---- has the "oldest traditional Catholic newspaper" just gone senile or has it gone Gallican and heretical? Here is the quotation from an article by Elizabeth Yore in which she directly contradicts the above statement by St. Robert Bellermine.  The link to the entire article. Thanks to the Editor of Novus Ordo Watch for coming up with this quotation and a former colleague of mine and good friend Ryan Grant for translating the citation above. Here is the link and the damning statement.

The College of Cardinals should immediately convene and remove Francis, the Bishop of Rome for his gross and grave negligence and personal complicity in the systematic flouting and abuse of his own zero tolerance policy causing a scandal of epic proportions brought upon the global Catholic Church and the Chilean Catholic Church. In Francis’ new Motu Proprio Guidelines on Bishop Removal the standard for removal is “In the case of the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults it is enough that the lack of diligence be grave.” § 3. Three years of papal stonewalling and coverup is the definition of grave.
It is easily arguable that the Francis coverup timeline demonstrates overwhelming evidence of a pernicious and wanton breach of ecclesiastic duty to ensure the protection of children and the moral integrity of the episcopacy. For once, will the Princes of the Church protect the little children? Or will they continue to quake in their mitres in the face of the dictator Pope?


  1. It's spelled Bellarmine. :) Also, do you heavily moderate your combox here? I see very limited comments of late and my own attempts to post any have not been published. Just curious. Thanks.

  2. Yes, it is no small thing to "make a mistake" on widely publicizing distorted teachings of a Doctor of the Church. I've also noticed these kind of things in the Remnant. Find a phrase and take it out of context but so long as it "proves" what we want it to, then that should be fine. You are better off to go straight to Bellarmine on a good catechism pre-Vatican II. Who wants their "news" or there spin on things if it is going to be like this. Get your act together Remnant. And what about how someone wants to say that you made a mistake in the spelling of Bellarmine, but don't care that the Remnant made a huge mistake in teaching his doctrine. Strain out a gnat and swallow a camel. Don't choke on it.


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