Bishop de Galarreta as 1st Assistant. Clear Swing to the Right. Balanced by Fr. Bouchacourt as 2nd.

                                                          Bishop Alphonse de Galarreta


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  2. Our Lady of La Salette said there would be many compromisers in this general revolt (as St. Paul explained what must occur prior to AC showing up). SSPX leadership joined the league of compromisers by their silence to the 2012 declaration and on going apostasy from the top of Newchurch. The SSPX bishops are the chief compromisers among them by their going along with Fellay and liberalization of the SSPX who were suppose to be defenders of Our Lord's Kingship and His Doctrine of the Cross as the Chief Friends of the Cross (St. Louis de Montfort).

    I see it having Galarreta as 1st Assistant Fellay and the liberal infiltrators appear to be setting up the same old Hegelian dialectic to rock the faithful back to sleep for the final kill shot.

    I pray that I am wrong!

    Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
    Sorrowful Penitent!


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