100th Anniversary of the Murder of the Russian Imperial Family. The Life, the Murder, and the Reasons for the Murder.

The Murdered Russian Imperial Family

The Murder

See Russians Commemorating the Terrible Event.

Why the Rothchilds hated the Romanovs

The Monarchist Anthem of Russia


  1. I grieve everytime I see a picture of this lovely family so brutally and ritualistically murdered by the Rothschild scum. Was the Putin-Trump meeting a very subtle message taking place on the date it took place? One thing the common sense can deduce, if it has any sense of history, is that the Rothschild-talmudic devils were NEVER going to let the real Catholic Church stand in the way of their evil goals. They were NEVER going to stop short of eliminating and controlling this hinderance. We wait with hopeful anticipation the Lucy investigation with the scientific proof, but even without it, we know the conciliar "popes" and the council and aftermath have been a carefully engineered fraud and deception.

  2. Patriarch Kirill to lead 21-km procession in memory of Nicholas II's family


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