The Gallican Challenge: Will Michael Matt, Chris Ferrara, Brian McCall, John Salza, and Robert Siscoe Approve of or Reject the Idea Advanced by Elizabeth Yore at the Remnant that a pope can be removed by the College of Cardinals? I challenge them to say simply YES OR NO. I SAY NO! READERS PLEASE RESPOND TO THE CHALLENGE!

Here is the critical text from Elizabeth Yore's article and the link to the complete article. It is even more indicative of one's over all doctrinal stance than debating about a pope falling into heresy. Here, the College of Cardinals would be exercising authority over the occupant of the Holy See to remove him from office because of malfeasance in office.

Here is the section of the relevant article and the links both to the full article as published in The Remnant and to Louie Verrecchio's expose of this article at akacatholic:
The College of Cardinals should immediately convene and remove Francis, the Bishop of Rome for his gross and grave negligence and personal complicity in the systematic flouting and abuse of his own zero tolerance policy causing a scandal of epic proportions brought upon the global Catholic Church and the Chilean Catholic Church. In Francis’ new Motu Proprio Guidelines on Bishop Removal the standard for removal is “In the case of the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults it is enough that the lack of diligence be grave.” § 3. Three years of papal stonewalling and coverup is the definition of grave.
It is easily arguable that the Francis coverup timeline demonstrates overwhelming evidence of a pernicious and wanton breach of ecclesiastic duty to ensure the protection of children and the moral integrity of the episcopacy. For once, will the Princes of the Church protect the little children? Or will they continue to quake in their mitres in the face of the dictator Pope?


  1. No, a Pope cannot be removed by the Cardinals. But do not forget to include Bishop Fellay and the SSPX to the "challenge".

  2. My sense is they cannot remove him. But by flagrant, manifest, obstinate heresy he is already removed....he is no longer a member of the Body of of yesterday and today. They could only meet to declare what has already occured. They could declare an official pronouncement to an event that has already happened.

  3. Legitimate Catholic Cardinals could not remove a valid Pope, let alone heretical non-Catholic Cardinals.

  4. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the cardinals can convene to rule if the Pope is a formal heretic. Once that is determined, it would generally be thought that the Pope would abdicate/ resign, but as far as I know, there is no direct way that the Cardinals can unseat a "validly elected" Pope- ( "validly elected" is another story entirely)

    1. The only thing legitimate Catholic Cardinals could do would be to set up an imperfect council declaring the fact that he is invalid. They could not make a valid pope invalid.


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