Kevin Symonds asks that Article calling Investigation into the life of Sister Lucy "Insulting" and a "Disgrace" Be taken Off RadTrad Thomist. Click the link here. I am still trying to find the post where Chris Ferrara Calls the Impostor Sister Lucy Claim "Ludicrous" .

                                                 Two Sides of the Same NewChurch Coin.



  1. If Chris Ferrara called the impostor Sr. Lucy claim "ludicrous", then there must be two Chris Ferraras. Chris Ferrara #1 said there is a "massive, ongoing, now-in-its-fiftieth-year fraud upon the faithful, a false religion (!!) being masqueraded as the Catholic religion" (Novus Ordo Watch article: "Have the Gates of Hell Prevailed? The Papacy and Sedevacantism", Dec. 27, 2015). If a false religion can be masqueraded as the Catholic religion, then why wouldn't a false Sr. Lucy be possible?

  2. The Gatekeepers. The rewards of this world keep them hewing the Vatican 2 eclipse of the true Faith and they add "resistance" to their deception as a misdirection and to add plausible deniability to the incredible (that means not credible) lies of the robber council. They are against it you see...but not really.


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