The Catholic Inquisitor Launched: Catholic Counter-Revolution Revived! Louis Veuillot Call Your Office!

Well gang... Though it took much longer than I ever expected, it is finally time to launch The Catholic Inquisitor. I've announced it on my blog here:

The promo video is now public, here:

And The Catholic Inquisitor website is ready to be shared: 

Thank you all for your invaluable input and support. God willing, and with His grace, hopefully we can accomplish much good - for His glory and the salvation of souls. The work is just beginning. In order for this to get off the ground, we'll need to spread the word as far and as wide as we can - email, social media, phone calls - and from there we will find out just what Our Lord and Our Lady have in mind. :)



  1. Louie is a RR! I'm not sure how involved our lady will be with those who deny papal infallibility!!

    1. I assure you that no one writing for the Catholic Inquisitor denies papal infallibility. Emphasis will be on resistance to Modernism and a refusal not to call a spade a spade. That is the entire idea. Why don't you wait for the first issue to come out before you dismiss it. Don't you think it worthwhile for us to challenge the monopoly of the Remnant and Catholic Family News in the trad world in light of the Neo-conization of both of those respective publications.


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