Nothing to See Here!: Israel Prepares for War. Pompeo Gives the Thumbs Up. Or is it, Israel gives Pompeo Permission to "Give Israel Permission....."

The Knesset empowers prime minister and defense minister to declare war 

A law empowering the security cabinet to authorize a war or order a substantial military operation without recourse to the full cabinet passed its second and third reading in the Knesset Monday night. The text contained a clause that vests in the prime minister and defense minister the authority to commit the country to fighting a war or conducting a major military operation without prior approval by the full cabinet or the security panel.


  1. The May 1 date is significant. It's one of the occults high feast days. 70 years has this totally immoral Israeli operation been in power banked by Rothschild money and the apostate British govt soon followed by the support of the apostate American govt. 70 is a very significant number in the kabbalah and zohar also, and May is the month that the new Israel began. In the Novus Ordo Sect it has been 60 years since the authentic faith was eclipsed by the new intellectuals, de Chardanists (very kabbalistic gnostic rot) and the very talmud friendly we must raze the bastions fallen away catholics (who had taken an oath never to do such a thing) who have been destroying the faith and christendom ever since. How many know that dear conservative Ratzinger's ancestry includes a lot of Moravian rabbis on his mother's side (look it up) or that JP2 wore the mantle for 2000 adorned in the colors of the Jewish high priesthood or that Montini wore the ephod of the Jewish high priesthood. Not many. May looks like it could be the month of a lot of fireworks.


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