How The Jews Created Hollywood 1/8. Based on a book written by a Jewish Author. This states clearly that it was the Jews who Made Hollywood and who Imaginatively fashioned the "American Dream."


  1. Did the Jews also create and run Vatican 2? See Call Me Jorge site for some very interesting photos of the wakes for Opus Dei heads. Montini with his Jewish ephod. JP2 dressed in his special Jewish mantle for the Jubilee, Rabbi Ratzinger and his Jewish ancestry and the "pope" of the god of surprises along with his incessant blasphemies and endless heresies who has the clear desire to wipe the catholic church off the face of the earth. Was there a takeover...however it was the sworn enemies of the Church 60 years ago? It sure begins to add up that way.

  2. Good show. Hooray for the Jews for doing this. Unfortunately it all devolved into what we have now.. A good vision became a bad. It would be interesting to how that came about.


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