Father Rihanna? Bishop Rihanna? Maybe the Gala was Image of things to Come? "Right-hand man" of Chancellor Merkel Demands Female "Priests"!

      Annegret Kramp: Ready for the Eucharistic Table?

Dr. Chojnowski: Excuse me German readers, if this woman is Secretary-General of the Christian Democratic Party, what exactly is "Christian" about her? What exactly is "democratic" about such a party being in power when 2/3 of Germans vote against it?

Thank you Maike Hickson for this article. I never Knew Who Frau (?) Kramp was before now. 
Right Hand of Chancellor Angela Merkel Publicly Asks for Female Priests
Today, the German media are filled with reports about the new interview given by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the recently elected General Secretary of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and thus Angela Merkel’s “right hand” and one of the most influential professedly “conservative” leaders in Germany. She now openly calls for more influence of women in the Catholic Church, to include the establishment of the female priesthood.
In the 9 May issue of Christ&Welt – which is the religion section of the German newspaper Die Zeit – Kramp-Karrenbauer now declares: “It is very clear: women have to take positions of leadership in the Church.” She could “very well imagine that there would be a female quota for the Catholic Church.”
In the longer interview, this German politician, who was born in 1962, explains that she was raised in a Catholic family and practiced her faith, but that she soon regretted that she could not be an altar girl. She was “very upset” at the fact that, at the time, there were no altar girls. She adds that she did find a solution for her desire by serving as an altar girl at a home for the elderly run by nuns who were running short of altar boys. Now, as an adult, she admits of not regularly going to Mass and affirms that the faith is for her, rather, something “directed toward the inward.” The mother of three boys describes herself as a “secularized model of a Christian” who does not believe in Holy Scripture “word by word.” As the General Secretary of the CDU,  Kramp-Karrenbauer insists: “We do not make – and I do not make – Christian politics.” Instead, she explains, “we make politics based on the Christian image of man.”


  1. As things spin more and more out of control, as the guy who sits in the chair of St Peter spouts more and more theological nonsense and seems to be fully on board with the NWO agendas, it is worth while exploring the life and times of one Alloytola Khomeni. It seems when you look into it, that there is very convincing evidence that Khomeni was a British agent. His job was to unseat the moderate Shah throwing Iran back into a more manageable State for the western ie. NWO powers. Here is clear evidence that the NWO will go to great links, even inventing religious frauds, to further their clandestine agendas. Can we find anything his most merciful and great holiness disagrees with in the NWO march forward? I can't. Including one of their favorite agendas, wiping catholicism off the face of the earth.


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