All Public Heretics, either Formal or Material, are NOT MEMBERS OF THE Catholic Church. Fr. Joseph Fenton Speaks! So.......Who's Left?

                                                                   Fr. Joseph Fenton

Membership in the Church.pdf
Especially see pp. 300-301.


  1. Remarking on a not totally unrelated event, Israel has opened it's blood libel against the Palestinians by killing and wounding over 2700. I wonder if the Jesuit "pope" of peace and love will condemn this sick atrocity in no uncertain terms. I think I know the answer. Vat2 not only introduced novelties and heresies, but the Novus Ordo operation came under the influence and rule of Jesuitical Jewry which not only promotes theological heresies but the grave crimes of Zionism and communism. The blood of the Palestinians is on the hands of all the "popes" that have promoted this false Talmudic religion....a religion as false as the Novus Ordo one...perhaps the two are one.

  2. Msgr Livi spills the beans over at OnePeterFive. It's been a plot, a plan, a conspiracy. Bergoglio is just a final fruition. The path was cleverly laid out for him by his predecessors. The most clever modernist, protestant, judeo-masonic destroyer being Ratzinger. (9 rabbis on his mother's side). Did they deliberately destroy the Catholic ordination rights in 1969? Seems that was the plan. But as the fowler caught in his own trap, that means everything they have done is absolutely null and totally void.

    1. Why was the rite of the Sacrament of Holy Order changed first? Without Roman Catholic bishops there will be no more True Sacrifice--no more true sacraments at all. Remember what Fr. Carl Pulvermacher said, When there are no more priests they will give us the Latin Mass.


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