No World War III for Israel! A Declaration.

Declaration Against the Expansion of the Syrian War
We, the undersigned, hereby make public our resistance against President Donald Trump's announcement that he will, within the next hours or days, retaliate militarily against the sovereign state of Syria, with the argument that the Syrian government is guilty of the the use of chemical weapons against civilians in the Ghouta region on 8 April.
Such a military retaliation is unjust because the purported gas attack has not yet even been sufficiently and carefully investigated by a neutral investigatory expert body. Since the facts are not yet even clear about who committed such a possible crime, how could we then already punish Syria?
Such a military retaliation would also provoke a military response from Russia which has a military presence in Syria upon request from Syria itself in order to help the country free itself from ISIS and other rebel groups.
Thus, a military intervention on the side of President Trump and his allies might very well provoke a war with Russia which could lead to a widening war involving Europe – to include Turkey – and other regions in the world.
Following Just War Doctrine, we insist upon a fair investigation of the facts before entering a war. We remind President Trump of the principle of self-defense, which means that a country may only use military force against another sovereign country when it has been attacked by it. We insist upon prudence and truth. We refer our readers to an excellent statement written on 10 April by Patrick Buchanan.
We ask the world leaders to do everything in their power to stop this cycle of civil and imperial wars.
Some of us remember World War II and the effects on so many innocent civilians.
Let us prevent another, potentially more disastrous world war.

Dr. Peter Chojnowski (USA)
Dr. Robert Moynihan (USA)
Dr. Markus Buening (Germany)
Marco Tosatti (Italy)
Father Reto Nay (Switzerland)
Professor Dr. Thomas Stark (Austria)
Brother Andre Marie, M.I.C.M. (USA)
Deacon Eugene McGuirk (USA)
Dr. Robert Hickson (USA)
Dr. Maike Hickson (USA)

Follow the Number of Signatories Below. Sign it Yourself. RadTrad Thomist was the First to Sign!


  1. Amen. No more wars for Israel. And where is the statement from that great lover of all humanity, "pope" Francis? The world may be on the brink of nuclear war and he has yet to utter a word....he blathers about everything else. Have his Israeli bosses got his tongue tied?


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