From the "In Heaven there are No Cell Phones" file: European Youth Yawn at 50 Years of Novus Ordo Excitement. HUGH "No Religion" Count. Polish Youth --- All those stupid and extreme "ski" Polish Youth Remain Faithful In Spite of All.

Update: Read how the "Triumph of the Immaculate Heart" --- already taken place (Sister Lucy II) --- is going in Europe. Among those liberated from atheistic Communism. Well, the Youth of Two of the Places, Czech Republic and Estonia, are among the most secularist and atheistic.


How are things going, religious wise, among European Youth? Really bad, according to the below survey published on ZEROHEDGE.COM. Whether amongst the Czechs (the worst result), or the Swedes (very bad), or even the Spanish or the French youth, the numbers registering as "no religion" are out of this world. I remember 20 or 30 years ago, when numbers of "no religion" were in the single digits, sometimes no more than 2, 3, or 4 %. 91% among Czech Youth?

Nothing to see here!
No Chance of the Great Apostasy until.....well....over 95% of Czech Youth have no religion, the pope says there is no heaven either, and the Holy Father extends an indult for the pre-1955 Holy Week to the SSPX and the CMRI.

Here is the horrible numbers from Europe. Link to the full article above:

Europe is a hugely diverse place in terms of culture, language and especially religion. The European Social Survey 2014-2016 found that across the continent, there is a huge difference in the share of young people identifying as having no religion
Statista's Niall McCarthy reports  that the research found that the youth in Poland are still quite religiouswith only 17 percent of respondents aged 16-29 not associating themselves with any religion.
The situation is much different in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands where 7 out of 10 young adults identify as having no religion. 
Infographic: Where Young Europeans Aren't Religious | Statista
You will find more infographics at Statista
The highest share on non-religious youth was recorded in the Czech Republic where the share stood at 91 percent. Estonia came second with 80 percent while Sweden was third with 75 percent.


  1. The results of Vatican 2. Modernism (the departure from The Holy Tradition) as the manifestation of the Operation of Error foretold by St Paul, a lying spirit. When the Lord returns will he find any faith on earth?

  2. Papal Imposters available on youtube. Yes the times are darker than the medieval ages....the capture of the Papacy the most coveted prize of Satan and his minions. The enlightened, modernist papacy is the essence of fake news.

  3. If the Judeo-Masonic-protestant revolutionary forces captured the papacy in 1958, as seems more and more a certainty, then is the buffoon imposter "pope" Francis their attempt to utterly destroy the credibility of the Petrine office? We read more and more where even solid Novus Ordo supporters of Francis are starting to have doubts about him. This would be diabolical cleverness but totally possible in this reign of deceit,. Only those who cling to the stolen faith and tradition prior to the robber council are going to be able to withstand this evil storm. Those who cannot admit that an obstinate heretic, according to sound reasoning and the catholic faith, are no longer catholic (this includes all conciliar "popes") are going to be in for a very rough ride and risk totally losing all aspects of the faith. The serene conviction that this clown cannot possibly be the pope becomes a steady article of faith and hope.


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