Dr. Chojnowski On TCK Call-In Show tonight at 5:45PM.

Don't forget the call-in show tonight at 8:45 PM Eastern Time.




  1. Cardinal Sodano...Maciel's friend who took gifts (bribes) from him like a brand new Mercedes and was in charge of the release of the so called Third Secret along with Bertone .....was a member of Opus Dei?
    "It has been reported that JPII was actually groomed by Opus Dei for the papacy, so it is not surprising that shortly after his election, he made Opus Dei a "personal prelature," responsible only to him. As his #2 man, he appointed an Opus Deista, Angelo Cardinal Sodano, as Secretary of State. This man remains in that position also under Benedict-Ratzinger. He also appointed Joaquin Navarro-Valls as head of the now immensely powerful Vatican Press Office. "

  2. I listened. A bit disappointed on several counts.
    The Lucy thing; The implication for this crime are far reaching.
    A conspiracy of a grand scale would have been required to pull off the deception of 1 billion Catholics. There had to have been a motive for the crime. The 3rd 'secret' is key here. The danger of Fr, Gruner as a threat to the V2 church/NWO becomes more compelling as the fake Lucy was the way to bury the secret forever. JPII is implicated on several counts. His miracle assasination attempt. (with a .22 caliber cap gun?) The illuminating bullet placed in the BVM crown statue etc.
    And the Opus Dei connection! These simple faithful folks own a high rise building in Manhattan and I hear own Santander Bank! (such things should be formally confirmed)

    The reality is that even the most dialed-in authentic traditional Catholic who actually approaches grasping the post-modernist reality at hand is concerned about paying mortgages, remaining in a state of grace and working toward assisting loved ones achieving salvation.

    We, 'the little people' are frightened witless. THAT is the post 9-1-1 one-world that the earthly powers have created, and the V2 sheep continue to graze in it.

    This economic crash silliness is bunk. And to a lesser degree the nuclear threat.
    Why? The anti-Christ powers will get far more compliance and go-along-to-get-along by FORGIVING ALL PRIVATE DEBT, NOT CRASHING LITTLE PEOPLE's 401K's! in addition no fool wants to deal with radiation from ANY modern day nuclear event. Won't happen.

    The solution for the long haul? Wear the scapular, pray your rosary and don't worry. Welcome all the babies the good Lord brings you, learn how to garden, get a few chickens, learn how to use hand tools and relax. This too shall pass.

    Thanks for lighting the long over due Lucy Truth bomb, lets pray it blows up in these demons faces.

    Viva La Williamson


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