Francis LOSES ITALIAN ELECTION. Did John Salza send in his absentee ballot?

Breaking: JNxpAndrDUZf14aTBsQdqwXr6

Italian Elections: Pope Francis and the Leftwing Parties Crushed

The Italian Partito Democratico (PD), the former Communist Party, whose government was in charge since March 2013, suffered a crushing defeat in yesterday’s general elections, receiving less than 20% of the votes. This party was in charge of the most anti-Catholic government in the history of the Italian republic.

The PD government promoted mass-immigration and introduced gay pseudo-marriage and euthanasia, nevertheless it had the unfailing support of Pope Francis.

When two million Catholics gathered in Rome in January 2016 to oppose the government which was about to introduce gay pseudo-marriage, Bergoglio totally ignored the protesters. He also kept mum when the leftwing government introduced euthanasia. Instead he enthusiastically encouraged the government’s pro mass-immigration stances.

One of Francis’ heroes in Italian politics is the diabolical Emma Bonino, a vocal ally of the PD. After his many attempts to interfere in Italian politics in favour of the leftwing, yesterday's election must also be seen as an Italian plebiscite against Francis.


  1. 101 reasons that Jorge Bergoglio is not Pope of the Catholic Church. 1) Real popes do not write encyclicals on science, let alone phony or popular science like global warming. Never been done, never will be done by a real Pope. It's all a big con like the two or three Lucias. " The times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future." St Maximillian Kolbe (at least fake church got that canonization right though like everything else they do it may be invalid).

  2. A few more links demonstrating a questionable friend of Escriva's, Cardinal Ugo Poletti.
    Cardinal Poletti was the Postulator for his friend Escriva's Cause.
    Cardinal Poletti was a member of the P2 Lodge that was raided by the Italian equivalent of our FBI. A list of members was made available.
    Cardinal Poletti garnered the Basilica of St Apollinaire for Opus Dei.A large portrait of Escriva hangs in the entrance and it is right across the street from their Rome headquarters. more recently the brother of Orlandi and other Italian Catholics staged a demonstration there projecting their message about Emmanuela's kidnapping on the doors of St Appolinaire's.
    Cardinal Poletti gave special permission for the Magliani mafia boss to interred in the Basilica's crypt which resulted in an outcry of protest from Italian Faithful.
    More recently the crypt was opened and the body reburied in a local cemetery in the quest for clues to the kidnapping and disappearance of Emmanuela Orlandi , the daughter of a Vatican employee.
    Cardinal Poletti's clerical secretary secretary is known as "Jessica" by Vatican Prelates and employees and still runs one of the Vatican banks.

    List of Masons P2 Lodge.
    “PIPIVI.” Poletti, Ugo. Cardinal. Vicar of S.S. Diocese of Rome. Controls clergy of Rome since 3-6-73. Member of Sacred Congregation of Sacraments and of Divine Worship. He is President of Pontifical Works and Preservation of the Faith. Also President of the Liturgical Academy. 2-17-69; # 32-1425."
    Fr. Francesco Comaldo aka "Jessica" was Cardinal Poletti's travel secretary.


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