Two "Interviews with Sister Lucy": Is the Fatima Center Going to Support Sister Lucy Truth? Donations are Coming from all over the World!

Clearly we can understand the importance of establishing the identity of the "Sister Lucy" of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000. If this "Sister Lucy" in the film is authentic, then Russia HAS been consecrated ---- so we should stop asking --- the Third Secret HAS BEEN REVEALED --- and it has to do with "St." John Paul II not Apostasy in the Catholic Church. Also, if this woman is Sister Lucy, the name "Fr. Gruner" makes her "shudder."

Come on Fatima Center, support me on this and lets get the scientific professional investigation started. $800 has already been donate for this effort.

Until I can get Wells Fargo to get a donate option onto my blog, please send all tax-deductible donations to:

Sister Lucy Truth Incorporated
4104 N. Murray Dr.
Otis Orchards, WA 99027


  1. Dr. Chojnowski, at all costs, do NOT reveal the names of your key investigator(s) or their days may be numbered. As we all know, the hit men for the masonic-occupied Vatican specialize in assassinations, even right up to killing popes -- like JPI, and perhaps even the real Sr. Lucia.

    Let us also not forget that a journalist name Mino Pecorelli was investigating (freemasonic) Archb. Marcinkus, the Vatican Bank and their (most assured) ties to organized crime, but was murdered in 1979 before any of his findings could become public.

    1. And let's not forget Fr. Malachi Martin as well, who "conveniently" died ("falling down"...) just a few months before the Vatican "revealed the 3rd secret"...


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