Archbishop Lefebvre Recognized that Gallicanism is Not Possible. The question of the status of the pope MUST be answered. 42 years and We Still Cannot Recognize this?

Ultimately, the question of the status of the pope must be answered. Archbishop Lefebvre at this time (1976) simply could not make up his mind as to the status of the Destroyer Paul the Sick. The important part is the he was PUZZLING OVER THE QUESTION. He clearly states though that the pope cannot teach error, because he is guided and protected by the Holy Ghost. It is hard to get around the Archbishop's words, when we hear him speaking in his own voice in his own native language. I cannot imagine him being ANYTHING OTHER THAN a RAD TRAD THOMIST today!


  1. Excellent video, that I had never seen. He seems to be very confused on what to do about the pope situation. We obviously know with all of the video footage that Francis is speaking of his own free will constantly, so we can check that option off that he is held hostage. After Archbishop Lefebvre performed the consecrations in 1988 he was very, very strong in his condemnation of Rome, something most SSPX attendees don't know.

  2. So then if he does teach and/or promulgate errors then he lacks authority and is a false Pope.

    1. Right? It's chicken and egg, which came first and why does it determine if he's Pope? "A man not canonically elected" I'll take Saint Francis's word for it.

  3. The fact that we have an heretical line of "popes" at this point is no longer conjecture, but a simple observation that any catholic with a shred of catholic sense can make.

    One would have to be quite daft at this point to believe that the Great Archbishop would say otherwise at this point in time.

    When he said, "Rome is in Apostasy!", about whom do we suppose he was speaking? Not the mayor. Denial, wishful thinking, and twisted theology are the forces which allow these interlopers to continue to squat in the chair against all Divine Law. The Church Militant has become the Church Milquetoast.

  4. "the intrinsic effect of separating the heretic from the Church by itself, without any ecclesiastical censure or judgment".

    Only a Church declaration can morally assure that we are dealing with formal or mere material heresy. Until then, individuals can think what they will about the errors in question, but not bindinly on anyone else's conscience. St. Thomas says we need not avoid one we think may be an excommicate by virtue of heresy "until sentence is passed".

    1. Do you know what comprises "formal" heresy? It has nothing whatever to do with a "sentence". The public and pertinacious nature of it makes it "formal". If you need someone to explain to you that the heresies of Francis are formal, your foil hat is on too tight.

      The church has ALWAYS taught that a heretic severs himself from the church, starting with Galatians 1:8. This has nothing to do with "whom to avoid." That is a different topic altogether.

      I know, I know. It's hard. But loosen the tinfoil just a bit, take a deep breath, and acknowledge the truth. Bergoglio is no pope at all.

    2. Besides, who would you expect to pass a sentence on Francis? The modernist heretics who have been hand picked by the modernist heretics?

      Holy Mother Church would never put us in such a conundrum. What puts us in this situation is fifty years of parroting the silly notion that we are not allowed to believe our own eyes and our own ears.

  5. Please pray to St. Dagobert ll :" St. Dagobert, faithful and true, with our sadness, but above all, with God's Most Merciful Grace, please hear us and to help and defense of the unborn and helpless. Amen."

  6. The Greatest Trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing all that he really didn't exist".


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