Breaking News: Chris Ferrara Denies the Obvious. Noted Fatima Speaker either is denying what he can see with his own eyes or he is throwing Fr. Gruner out of his own ship that Chris Ferrara has somehow commandeered.

"Finally, no traditionalist I would consider a colleague has ever declared that Francis is an anti-Pope (in the sense that he was not validly elected, although he acts like one), that the See of Peter is vacant, or that Benedict is still the Pope.  These are straw men."

The above comments made by Chris Ferrara in a December 30th article on the Fatima Center blog, has caused great concern for various friends who were close to Fr. Gruner and who have ---- simply trying to convey the facts --- come forward with the fact that Fr. Gruner, at least in the last year of his life, came to see Francis I as an anti pope and not as a legitimate pope. Agree or disagree with him, let us at least recognize what his considered judgment on this ecclesiastical insanity that we see in front of us. I also find it amazing that Chris would dismiss Fr. Paul Kramer as not "a colleague" when, as everyone involved with the Fatima Center for the past 15 years or so --- this is all that I can report on from first hand experience --- knows that Fr. Kramer was at more conferences than Chris was at. Everyone saw him as #2 to Fr. Gruner and certainly as a valued co-worker. Remember Chris, the uproar Fr. Kramer provoked amidst the Novus Ordo priests in Brazil when he defended the traditional Mass and condemned the Novus Ordo "mass." Fr. Gruner knew what he was going to speak about and yet chose to give him a venue to say what he had to say. I also remember that Fr. Gruner made a great effort to publicize a "controversial" text written by Fr. Kramer, The Mystery of Iniquity that I know from 1st hand experience, John Vennari did not like nor agree that it should be publicized at Fatima conferences --- I am thinking especially about the one in Niagara Falls in Ontario. Also, Fr. Gruner came all the way out to Idaho to hold a conference with Fr. Kramer whose theme was, basically, the issues raised by The Mystery of Iniquity

Let us look at the two videos below and at least acknowledge the reality of what Fr. Gruner actually thought:

For the other video which definitively exhibits Fr. Gruner's actual position, see todays post on aka catholic given below. Sorry if all of this does not fit with the "approved" script!


  1. As a further example of The Fatima Center's change in direction, their 2017 calendar showed images of Fr. Gruner every month except for the last month, December, which hinted at a transition, for the current 2018 calendar has no images of Fr. Gruner on any month. His image on the back of the calendar is in faded, ghostly white. He is being erased from memory, similar to the betrayers of Stalin who were deleted from any photos that included the soviet dictator.

  2. Anti-pope, so painfully obvious to see at this point if you have eyes to see and ears to hear. If people have a spiritual life they might be clued into things like the Saint Francis of Asissi "destroyer" prophecy about a "man not canonically elected".


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