Tridentina Malta reaffirms its information: Francis will make the 1962 liturgy mix with the 1969 modernist meal. Proof that every year of the 60s brought with it a New Devolutionary Stage of the Sacred Liturgy.

The Latest from Tridentina Malta

Recalling the liturgical changes of the 1960s

The changes in the liturgy began in the 1950s, with the revision of Holy Week and the first simplification of the rubrics in 1955. A further simplification occurred in 1961, leading to the publication of the 1962 Missal. Those changes set the stage for what was to follow, especially after Sacrosanctum Concilium.
The imprudence with Sacrosanctum Concilium which called for “noble simplicity” and for the rites to be “simplified”, without specifying what exactly that should entail, in my opinion, ensured that chaos was to follow. The transitional period before the implementation of the so-called Missa Normativa, which became the Novus Ordo Missae, had in fact many revisions.

Mass around 1965.
The 1962 Missal, still in use to this day by traditional Catholics, started being changed almost immediately. In 1963, changes eliminated the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, and eliminated the Last Gospel. 

Massive changes occurred on Advent Sunday of 1965 in several places around the globe, including:
  • portable altars were put up in front of high altars. 
  • Introits, collects, the entire ordinary, and the Lord’s Prayer switched to the vernacular. From the Preface through the Canon, things remained in Latin.
  • the Offertory Procession was inserted into the Mass.
  • the Prayers of the Faithful were also.
  • Sacred music started being supplanted.
In 1967, the Canon, that most untranslatable prayer, which was expected to be retained in Latin was put in the vernacular.

Concurrent with the changes in liturgy came a lessening in discipline. Many priests in many churches told people not to worry if they missed Mass, supposedly because the Spirit of the Vatican Council IIwas throwing off the past rigidity.

The changes continued as more came into the liturgy. Communion in the hand, standing for Communion and the demolition of sanctuaries followed, along with anticipatory Masses on Saturday. A new set of variations to the order of Mass was issued in May 1967, following those implemented in March 1965. 

Although Sacrosanctum Concilium insisted to “let the use of the Latin language be preserved... Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy ... should be given pride of place in liturgical services” was now de facto almost entirely thrown off.
Pro Tridentina (Malta), on the eve of 2018, will anxiously be waiting for the changes aimed at the 1962 Roman Missal, which this Blog had exclusively brought to the attention of the traditional Catholics worldwide some months ago.


  1. What's the intent here? Who benefits? This is pathetic from all appearances. Does Hor-hay realize he won't be able to cram the TLM back into the can? Who will attend this mass? The folks I know at the diocesan and FSSP won't touch such a holy mess with a ten foot pole. These people are serious too, they won't tolerate an incorrect step by a young alter boy serving the mass much less another 1965 what have you. For me personally it's a two hour drive to the closest SSPX chapel. Looks like I better look into a new set of tires.

  2. I believe Our Lord is giving the faithful remnant a sign to move clear of the apostasy in play and return to the pre-1951 Tridentine Mass of Trent. Staying with the 1962 Missal buts the Resistance in danger of being pulled down in the sinking Titanic of the Liberal Church as Our Lord's Wrath mops up the mess. Can we expect Our Lord to be pleased with the work of Bugnini and Liberals in perverting Holy Week and their evil intentions in crafting the 62 Missal?

    Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us,
    Georgetown, Tx


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