Sister Lucy investigation needs $10,000 to begin. Not Only Will Make a Judgment on the Real Identify of Pre- and Post-1958 Sister Lucy, but will Track down what happened to the Real One if the Two Prove to be Different.

We have been in contact with an Professional Investigator for the "Two Sister Lucy" investigation. He has indicated that he has lined up the best Facial Recognition Experts in the world for this potential investigation. They are so accurate and scientific in their analysis that they have proven to be more accurate than the Experts that Facebook has who are engaged in Facial Recognition.
Moreover, the Professional Investigator that we are in contact with has indicated that not only will he follow through on a Facial Recognition analysis that he says would be "definitive," but if the two "Sister Lucys" prove to be different women, he will track down what happened to the first one. He has indicated that he has family in Spain, so when it comes to investigations that take him to Spain and Portugal, he is very much familiar with how things operate there. He also has indicated that he has been involved with investigations in Rome --- he mentioned a murder involving a priest, where the Investigator had to find the body --- so he has dealt with the Vatican before.

I also have given him my permission to mention the case in upcoming television episodes that he has lined up with a television network. He needs, however, $10,000 to begin this investigation. I do not have the money myself to hire him. I have been in contact with a major bank that will handle the donations and the tax-forms. This waits upon receiving the incorporation papers from the state and federal governments. So I need help. There will be a "Pay-Pal" like, but not PayPal, link where visitors to this blog can donate to the effort. Also, there will be an address for donations by check that will be for this bank account. I will let you know when all is set up for the donations and when we have enough to begin. Surely we owe this to dear Sister Lucy.

Let's put this project under the patronage of Our Lady of the Rosary, who named herself to none other than Sister Lucy.


  1. Please post the amount raised as donations come in. Also have you considered the go-fund-me route? Rome has become a parody of itself that never fails to out do it self - like this years nativity queer scene. The lucy thing will be icing on the cake for sure. Thanks!

  2. But who needs facial recognition experts to prove that these are two entirely different women? The masonic Vatican II sect clearly did away with the real Sister Lucia, most likely around the time of Pope Pius XII's suspicious death in late 1958. No way were these fake Catholics going to allow the contents of the Third Secret (which they must certainly have read after it was transferred from Portugal to Rome in1957) to be published to the world in 1960, for it would have laid bare their nefarious plans and nipped them in the bud.


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