NewJesuits at Fordham encourage students to work for Planned Parenthood as Interns? No, couldn't be........

Now news from of another one of my alma maters and from the Jesuit "left-wing" of the Conciliar Church. We see here that they are encouraging students to take up job opportunities and internships at Planned Parenthood. We smile awkwardly when we read the poor TFP Conciliarists speak of "Catholic Fordham University." Somehow they seem to be blind to what has been happening to "Catholic" universities and colleges over the past 50 years. They must have missed the story of a few years ago in which Fordham's head of the Theology department decided that he would marry his male partner. This was encouraged and lauded by the University. What were the doctrinal innovations which brought about this sorry state? When I was going to graduate school at Fordham from 1988 to 1993, I worked in 1988 and 1989 as the Teaching Assistant for Fordham's then president, Fr. O'Hare. Sitting in one of his sophomore classes one day, I remember him saying when teaching about Socrates that, "Well don't we all have to be atheists in some way." He did not seem to care how this might affect young "Catholic" students who still had a smidgen of the Catholic Faith of their baptism left. 

When I tried to introduce a compiled work called Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas into his class, I remember walking with him and him commenting on the text, "I used to understand all of this but now I don't." He was, however, a properly turned out Jesuit when it came to fund raising. Was one of the few Jesuits at the time who wore a clerical suit --- I guess it was expected of a Jesuit university president 30 years ago --- he would always appear in one in the fundraising ads for Fordham. They also would situate the picture of Fr. O'Hare "at his desk" in the Gothic-looking central foyer of the main college building just to add a "medieval" "Catholic" image to the whole presentation. Of course, that was not his office, but was tramped over by thousands of students each day. Interesting enough, a beautiful marble bust of Pope Leo XIII was removed during my time at Fordham ---- which was in that same central foyer --- and replace by a............garbage can.

Now on to the article about the "left-wing" of the "Church":

Fordham University Features Planned Parenthood as "Internship and Job Opportunity"

Catholic Fordham University in New York City features mega abortion provider Planned Parenthood under "internships and job opportunities" for students. The online entry, however, is raising deep concern among young Catholics who believe in the God-given right to life, which naturally extends to the unborn.

TFP Student Action has launched a petition calling for the removal of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion advocacy groups listed by the university's Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department. [Link]

"How can a Catholic university favor Planned Parenthood?" said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. "In good conscience, we can't stay silent and allow the Culture of Death to poison more young minds. No way. Not on a Catholic campus."

"Instead of featuring groups that attack Church teaching, students should be given the names of honorable pro-life organizations that faithfully defend the unborn," continued Ritchie. "And there are so many to pick from."

Planned Parenthood is not the only pro-abortion group listed by Fordham University. Others include the National Organization for Women (NOW-NYC), Amnesty International, and GLAAD, a pro-homosexual advocacy group.

TFP Student Action invites pro-lifers to join its peaceful protest and call for the removal of all pro-abortion groups currently listed online by Fordham.

"You don’t need to be a college student to participate," said Ritchie. "With God’s help, the truth will prevail."

Sign your petition to remove these pro-abortion listings

Contact information (please be firm yet polite):
Fr. Joseph M. McShane, SJ
President, Fordham University
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, NY 10458
Phone: 718-817-3000


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