IRS approves Sister Lucy Truth as a Non-Profit Tax-Deductible Organization. Help Me to Find Out the Truth About Our Lady's Beloved Lucia. In 2018, It Begins!


God has not let the Centenary year of the Apparitions of Fatima go by without aiding our Cause. The Internal Revenue Service has approved Sister Lucy Truth as a tax-deductible charity which is pledged to investigate the truth of the life of Sister Lucia of Fatima. Before we can launch the professional investigation, using the best that the business has to offer, we will need $10,000. I wish I could put up the money myself, but I cannot. I will be working with a major bank to set up for on-line and through the mail donations. I will work to have this all up an operational in the next couple of weeks. Please do what you can. The bank will provide you with the tax-deductible donation forms. Every dime donated shall go towards the investigation. I shall continue to work for my living. I will let you know when the account is ready to received donations. Then I will come forward with all the details of the investigators involved along with the identities of the Facial Recognition experts and the bank that will be handling the funds.


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