It Begins: Sister Lucy Truth Incorporated is established to discover in a scientific and objective manner --- no matter the results of the investigation --- the Truth about the Life of Sister Lucy

I have established a non-profit corporation dedicated solely to investigating the life and personal identity of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima, Portugal. It will hire professional unbiased investigators.   Of course, the ultimate objective is to discover if the pre-1958 Sister Lucy is identical to the post-1958 Sister Lucy. All donations will be tax-deductible.
Details are still to follow as are the means to donate to the effort. When up and going, we will receive donations via Pay Pal or via check. I am working with a professional accountant to make sure everything is as it needs to be.


  1. That's going to be interesting, given that there are those who believe that Sr Lucy died around 1960/61.

  2. I am looking forward to contributing to this needed analysis. Are there also plans to do textual analysis of the before and after writing and speaking styles?

  3. Are we being prepared for one of the most evil hoaxes of all time? A fake Lucia, and if so what does that say about the legitimacy of the reign of the popes that came during and after Vat 2? I am buckling up my seat belt. If this inquiry is not somehow mysteriously halted I think we may be in for something that would be an earthquake in the Catholic Church.

  4. Was the alleged Third Secret released in 2000 a forgery? An expert handwriting analyst examined what the Vatican put up on his website and declared, "it is my opinion, based on the documents examined, that the Questioned Document 'Third Secret' can not be identified with the purported known writings of Sister Lucy."

  5. Thanks John Weiskittel for your answer on handwriting analysis. Not a surprise considering the amount of Vatican dissembling on this issue.

  6. Many dots are left unconnected.
    The Conclave of Roncalli / Siri
    The sudden call of a Vatican Council
    The decision to not release the third secret in 1960
    Pope John xxiii death bed plea: “stop the council”
    The Conclave of 1963 and its controversies.
    Pope Paul VI decides not to release the third secret.
    Pope Paul VI turns the Catholic Church upside down
    Pope Paul VI turns the Holy Catholic Mass inside out.
    The suspicious death of Pope John Paul I.
    Pope John Paul II waits 22 (!) years before the release of the third secret.
    The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.
    Who is really running things over there?

    1. It is pretty clear the devil is running the Church. Note latest book on "Pope" Francis: 'The Dictator Pope',

  7. All you need is some DNA from the person that they claim is Sister Lucy and see if it matches the DNA of actual relatives of sister Lucy. If it doesn't match then she's a fraud.


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