500 Years of Potty Talk: Lest We Forget the Problems with Luther's Movement

                                            Luther's Toilet at Wittenberg. Location of the Beginnings of the
                                            Protestant Revolution, 1517

Lest we forget the other anniversary we have this month --- soon after the 100th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun performed by the Mother of God in front of 70,000 people at precisely the exact time as announced in order to confirm the people who believed in their Catholic Faith and to prove to the unbelievers that her messages and secrets which she gave to the three children were true --- the second anniversary is that of October 31, 2017 which will be the 500th anniversary of the "nailing of the 95 theses to the church doors at Wittenberg Cathedral" by Fr. Martin Luther.

The reason that we have put up a picture of Luther's toilet, fairly recently discovered in Wittenberg, is because of Luther's own statements that he came up with his 95 theses while suffering from chronic constipation. It is also while resting on the facilities that he was enlightened by his revolutionary theological idea of "faith without works" according to which you cannot do anything to contribute to your own salvation, in fact, to strive for holiness is itself a grave sin. 

This is why we have called the anniversary the 500th year of "Potty Talk." Below, I first post a video of Francis in which he says that the Catholic Church and Protestantism now teaches the same doctrine with regard to Justification --- the prime point of contention with the Lutherans for 500 years. Along with Francis's statements, I publish my own lecture on this anniversary and the special celebration had at the Vatican last year to "celebrate" 😃 the 500 year anniversary of one of the greatest attacks against the Catholic Faith ever launched. Of course, the one officiating at the celebration has himself launched what must be the most devastating attack on the most basic rudiments of Catholic Faith and Morals ever appearing in the public sphere. In light of 500 years of Potty Talk, perhaps it is fitting that the statue Martin Luther, presiding at the Vatican on October 13 (sic), 2016 was BROWN. 💩

Here we have Anglican minister Tony Palmer speaking about the acceptance by the Conciliar Church of Luther's main doctrine.

I don't know how the Catholic Church can suffer greater humiliation than it is suffering with this celebration of one of the Greatest Enemies of the Catholic Church in its entire history.
If this is not apostasy, I don't know what apostasy is. Are we going to stand by and silently agree?

If you would like to know more about Martin Luther's Potty Talk, please see my lecture on Luther's life given a year ago, when our dear John Vennari was still with us.


  1. I recall with some humor a priest speculation whether the Reformation might have been averted entirely had Exlax been available in the time of Luther.

  2. Luther had no calling to the priesthood, he sought what he thought would be an easy life as he resented his father's expectation that he study law or some such. I'm of the opinion Luther's attacks on the faith are his railing against God's laws & Christ's teachings as he railed against his earthly father. He was a heretic, a sinful man who sought to destroy the faith.


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