
Showing posts from September, 2017

Can they do that?: The Abomination of non-Believers receiving Holy Communion --- Report from Oklahoma

Cardinal Ratzinger distributing communion, at the funeral of John Paul II (source of this abomination) --- the first one to receive from his hand --- to Roger Schutz of the Taize ecumenical community. Mr. Schutz is not a Catholic, but a Protestant and this is universally known. This blog post is in response to one of our faithful readers who attended the beatification mass of Fr. Stanley Rother in Oklahoma City last week. She writes the following: "I attended the Beatification Mass of Fr. Stanley Rother today in Oklahoma City. I'm sending you the guidelines they had for receiving communion. I am very disturbed by "For our fellow Christians" [my reading is] that they were allowed to receive communion. It did not cite any canon law. Can the powers that be do this? Here  is the regulations that were handed out at the ceremony to the attendees: Another Conciliarist website describes the "law" on the reception of communion by non-Catholics acc...

Want to Solve in a Scientific Way the two Sister Lucys Question? First, take the Poll!

Dear Friends, I have located a professional investigative company that has indicated interest in using age-progression technology, biometrics, on-site investigation, and other means in order to determine if Sister Lucy 1 (pre-1959) is the same woman as the Sister Lucy 2 (post-1959). The owner of the company is not a Catholic and has indicated that he starts out with no opinions either way. His company has worked on identity cases reaching 75 to even 90 years in the past and has contributed to the identification of previously missing individuals. These are serious people and he said that the investigation and results would be definitive . Friends, it is 2017. Either this has been one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the Catholic Church or Sister Lucy did applaud and affirm the "Third Secret" as announced by the Vatican in June of 2000. We all know that it matters. Investigations cost money, however. An investigation of this sort, providing a definitive result, wil...

How Gay Friendly was the Catholic Church in the Past?: Not Very. St. Peter Damian on Clerical Sodomy

St. Peter Damian’s Book of Gomorrah A Moral Blueprint for Our Times           by Randy Engel             Part I             The Life of St. Peter Damian (1007-1072)                         It appears that whenever Holy Mother Church has had a great need for a special kind of saint for a particular age, God, in His infinite mercy, has never failed to fill that need. And so, in the year 1007 A.D., a boy child was born to a noble but poor family in the ancient Roman city of Ravenna, who would become a Doctor of the Church, a precursor of the Hildebrandine reform in the Church and a key figure in the moral and spiritual reformation of the lax and incontinent clergy of his time. ...

From the "Stopped Clock is Right Twice a Day File": Cardinal Burke says that Heretic automatically ceases to be pope" --- And So Do the Church Fathers, Pope Paul IV, and St. Robert Bellermine

Update: The example of Pope John XXII differs totally from the situation which exists now, to quote Charles Coulombe's account of the case in his book Vicars of Christ: A History of the Popes , p. 293, Pope John XXII was involved in a theological controversy concerning the beatific vision. Even before he was pope, John XXII argued that those who died in the faith did not see the presence of God until the Last Judgment. He continued this argument for a time in sermons [apparently 3 times from what I have read elsewhere] while he was pope, although he never taught it in official documents. He eventually backed down from his position, and agreed that those who died in grace do indeed immediately enjoy the beatific vision. Despite holding for many years a view widely held to be heretical, John XXII is not considered a heretic because the doctrine he had contradicted had not been formally defined by the Church until his successor, Benedict XII, addressed it by the encyclical Bene...

American Fatima Center Reasserts Itself With Fr. Kramer as President

Here is the latest sent out from the Servants of Jesus and Mary to Donors. September: Month of Our Lady of Sorrows Dear Devotee of Our Lady of Fatima, By now most of you may have received communications from the National Committee for the National Pilgrim Virgin of Canada -­‐-­‐ its Board of Directors, Committee of Priests and managers headquartered in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. These letters contain unsubstantiated allegations supporting their reasons for severing ties with the Servants of Jesus and Mary, Inc. They give the false impression that some of the directors of SJM have taken a new direction, and that Father Gruner only used this apostolate to mail and receive mail for his apostolate (NPV) in Canada. The devotees of Our Lady of Fatima should know of the Servants of Jesus and Mary’s incorporation in 1978 under the direction of Father Michael Jarecki. Father served as a spiritual director to men and women wishing to live a holy life of praye...