Coincidence? Did Fr. Kramer's Criticism of Francis Produce Fatima Center Split? It Seems So.

We have had a bit of interesting information provided to us by one of our readers. On August 28th, the same day that we were informed that the Canadian Branch of the Fatima Center had cut off the American Branch of Fr. Gruner's work, our reader sent a video to  someone at the Fatima Center (Fort Erie, Ontario) of Fr. Paul Kramer describing the meeting between Russia's Vladimir Putin and Francis I in Rome in 2013. In this meeting, according to Fr. Kramer's diplomatic and Vatican sources, Putin actually asked Francis about the Consecration of Russia to be done. Francis responded by saying, "We will not speak of Fatima!" Fr. Kramer then mentions a statement of a high level Vatican official who says to a Russian intelligent agent that, "We will crush Fatima!"
Our reader also sent to a contact in the Fatima Center information about Fr. Kramer's Facebook page on which are posted articles that argue for the position of Resignationism, which holds that Benedict/Ratzinger is actually pope because of the deficiencies present in his resignation. This would argue for Francis being an antipope. As we have revealed on other pages on our blog, with videos to substantiate the claim provided by myself and Louie Verrecchio, this position was held jointly by Fr. Kramer and our late beloved Fr. Nicholas Gruner.

Is this simply an example of the post hoc propter hoc fallacy, which states that if an event comes after another it must have come about because of  the prior event, or is there a real link between the Fort Erie Fatima Center receiving this information on August 28th and their break with the American branch of Fr. Gruner's organization by the evening of the same day?
We are expecting more information soon. Even if this was not the case, surely Fr. Kramer's struggle with John Salza over various doctrinal and personal issues related to Fr. Gruner was central in the controversy. I have posted the "offending" video --- actually from a couple of years ago --- on the side bar of the front page of my blog. Please remember to slide the bar at the bottom of the page to get a centered picture of the video.


  1. After Ratzinger's hand in the charade of offering a false Third Secret in 2000; his long term enforcement and public belief in the Vatican II heresies; and failing to show any interest in Consecrating Russia while he held the Papal Office; why the implication (here and elsewhere) that Ratzinger would save the Church if only he was reinstated to the Papal Office? His occasional scattering of "words" about tradition all the while fully enforcing Vatican II heresies served to deceive. Ratzinger was not a candle in the dark. He has shown no act or uttered no world after leaving the Papal Office to indicate otherwise.

    I find the stomping on Fr. Gruner's grave to be distasteful and counter-productive. Regardless of the man's personal failings he was single-minded in his long service to Our Lady of Fatima. He made her known, he made her message known, he made the power of the Rosary known. He attempted vigorously, over a long period, to convince Bishops of the criticality of the Consecration of Russia---how small the effort and how great the effect.

    1. Who is "stomping on Fr. Gruner's grave"? Who mentioned any "personal failings" on the part of Fr. Gruner? No one in this discussion that I can see.

    2. It is implied

  2. Thank you, Peter Chojnowski, for setting up this website and for offering us the opportunity to post replies like this. I just read Chris Ferrara's short work on the website which hurls vague smears in the general direction of anyone who dares to notice that something is "up" at the Fatima Center. "His legacy lives on without compromise," he claims, as if with a straight face. Thank you also for posting Cornelia Ferreira's timely article. This is all piling up the very WEEK before the Irvine, CA conference where you, Cornelia, Louie and Fr. Kramer (and others??) have become blacklisted, and one can only wonder why? Might John Salza show up unnanounced? Could it be the fear of losing support of the faithful who are terrified of questioning the intentions of Vatican key players?
    Here is the link to Ferrara's piece:


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