Rome is in Apostasy! ---- 30 years later

We are coming up to the 30th Anniversary of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's assessment of Modernist Rome. Has anything changed? Notice that the Archbishop implies that Cardinal Ratzinger is the mouthpiece of the current Roman apostasy. I was a graduate student at Saint Louis University at the time, I was not aware of him making these stark statements at the time. I was dealing with the same Marxist Liberation Theology Jesuits whose spirit and doctrine has taken hold of the institutional organization of the Catholic Church.

Here are the Archbishop's words and I will put in the You Tube address so you can see if for yourself. It is in the original French with English subtitles:

October 4, 1987
"The proposal of Cardinal Ratzinger...even if you concede to us a bishop, even some autonomy from the bishops, even if you concede us the whole liturgy of 1962, even if you allow us to continue the seminary and the Fraternity as it is working now, we will not collaborate! It is impossible, impossible because we work in a diametrically opposite direction. You [Cardinal Ratzinger and those he represented] work to the de-Christianization of society and the Church and the human person. We work for Christianization. It is illogical.
ROME HAS LOST THE FAITH, MY DEAR FRIENDS! ROME IS IN APOSTASY. I do not speak empty words, only that I tell you the truth! Rome is in apostasy. You cannot have confidence in them. ROME HAS LEFT THE CHURCH, THEY HAVE LEFT THE CHURCH, THEY HAVE LEFT THE CHURCH!
It is sure, it is certain.


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