Benedict XVI calls for World Government to Fix Economy

Benedict's Globalist "Solution" is One World Government with Totalitarian Powers. Where is the Principle of Subsidiarity? See Comments Below. Why do we have the Pope agreeing with Al Gore and Barack Obama?

Pope calls for a "global authority" on economy
By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict called on Tuesday for a "world political authority" to manage the global economy and for more government regulation of national economies to pull the world out of the current crisis and avoid a repeat.

The pope made his call for a re-think of the way the world economy was run in a new encyclical which touched on a number of social issues but whose main connecting thread was how the current crisis has affected both rich and poor nations.

Parts of the encyclical, titled "Charity in Truth," seemed bound to upset free marketers because of its underlying rejection of unbridled capitalism and unregulated market forces, which he said had led to "thoroughly destructive" abuse of the system and "grave deviations and failures."

An encyclical is the highest form of papal writing and gives the clearest indication to the world's 1.1 billion Catholics -- and to non-Catholics -- of what the pope and the Vatican think about specific social and moral issues.

The pope said every economic decision had a moral consequence and called for "forms of redistribution" of wealth overseen by governments to help those most affected by crises.

Benedict said "there is an urgent need of a true world political authority" whose task would be "to manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result."

Such an authority would have to be "regulated by law" and "would need to be universally recognized and to be vested with the effective power to ensure security for all, regard for justice, and respect for rights."

"Obviously it would have to have the authority to ensure compliance with its decisions from all parties, and also with the coordinated measures adopted in various international forums," he said.


  1. Benedict's makes many valid points, especially when he criticizes the recent follies of finance capitalism. However, his "solution" of One World Government capable of regulating everything from the environment, to the economy, immigration, and food supplies is nothing short of terrifying. Is he merely giving his advice or is he endorsing a plan already in the works. The institutional organization of the Catholic Church has clearly jumped upon board the New World Order. We finally, perhaps, see the ultimate purpose for the Revolution in the Catholic Church, to assimilate the Church into a One World State and, likely, a One World Religion.
    Surely this dismisses the very idea of Subsidiarity which underlies all of the Church's teaching on the State.


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