Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate Excommunicates Francis for Heresy; forbids Priests and Bishops to Mention him in the Divine Liturgy.

Here is the video and text excommunication of Francis by the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate for heresy, apostasy, and rejection of the Natural Law. Read the text below and see the video above:

February 14th, 2018 Ash Wednesday

Francis Bergoglio, a Jesuit, has been admonished, warned several times to distance himself from heresies. However, he obstinately rejects any repentance. He continues to cause extreme offense not only to the believers of the Roman Catholic Church but also to all Christians and unbelievers.

By abusing the supreme church authority through heresies, he intensely promotes the self-destruction of the Church, in matters of both faith and morals.
It concerns the following heresies: Francis Bergoglio
1) denied the universally valid moral norms in the exhortation Amoris Laetitia.
2) did not distance himself from heresies of syncretism with paganism which place the redemptive death of Christ on the same level as the sacrifice to pagan gods, de facto demons. He thus destroys true mission.
3) promotes a so-called dynamic approach to the deposit of faith, whereby he makes heresies equal with the apostles’ doctrine.
4) neither identified nor condemned Vatican II heresies promoting syncretism with paganism and declaring Allah to be the same God as Yahweh (LG 16, Nostra Aetate declaration).
5) participates in crimes against humanity of the New World Order (NWO).
6) works towards dechristianization of Europe by intensively promoting Islamization.
7) is silent on the stealing of children by the juvenile justice system.
8) approves and promotes homosexualism and other gender deviations, which is contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures and Tradition.
For these heresies, Francis Bergoglio excluded himself from the Catholic Church. Therefore, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, in the name of the Triune God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, declares Francis Bergoglio to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Unless the person concerned shows repentance at least in the hour of death, he will be eternally condemned.
Every Catholic who is in unity with him in heresy is likewise excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
Therefore, let the priests and bishops no longer mention the name of this excommunicated apostate Francis in the Divine Liturgy.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


  1. Wow is right. This should be big news. Let's see how the Opus Dei controlled catholic media handles or tries to bury it.

    1. Since the Freemasons got their first pope John Vll into office? Its been Decades of molesting children, clerical "Spirit Cooking" or 'sex trafficking as the world now calls it? And NO repentence. Shameless

  2. May the name of Bergoglio be blotted from memory.
    May he be accursed.
    May he repent, lest he become fodder for the fiends of hell.
    May all Catholics, true to Christ, avoid Bergoglio.

    1. Let us not FORGET Bergolio, but in fact, let us remember of him as we do Arius, that is, caution us AWAY from the ways of of Jorge Bergollio, lest we return to modernism.

  3. He also excommunicated Benedict and JPll which will render his excommunication of Francis as just another shot from a loose canon to 90% of Trad-Conservative catholics who hold very tightly to the fancy that there is no problem with Bergoglio's predecessors. The two Lucys is the path to their undoing.

  4. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

    Let us pray and fast this Lent for Grace through the Most Holy Immaculate Heart of Mary from Her Divine Son for eyes to see and ears to hear the apostasy of the enemies of the Cross within the conciliar Church of modernist and apostate Rome and in the many diocese across the nations. Times up...O' men of pride and deceit, for your iniquity has reached its end unto your destruction. Woo to those (Traditionalist and Novus Ordo) that will marginalize what this brave Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate has done.

    Daniel 5: 26-28 MANE, THECEL, PHARES.
    And this is the interpretation of the word. MANE: God hath numbered thy kingdom, and hath finished it. THECEL: thou art weighed in the balance, and art found wanting. PHARES: thy kingdom is divided, and is given to the Medes and Persians [Gentiles].

    Rev 11:2 But the court, which is without the temple, cast out, and measure it not: because it is given unto the Gentiles, and the holy city they shall tread under foot two and forty months.

    The trampling asunder of the savour-less conciliar, liberal, masonic Church is underway and never too soon to be cast out (Rev 12:7-9) by the Woman Clothed with the Sun!

    Luke 14:34, 35
    Salt is good. But if the salt shall lose its savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned? It is neither profitable for the land nor for the dunghill, but shall be cast out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

    Lord, come to our assistance, make haste to help us!

    Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!
    St. Joseph, Protector of the Church, pray for us!
    St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!

  5. Really? Is Dr. Peter C advocating sedevacantism? No bishop has the authority to depose a Pope. And this one has deposed two. Either Dr. C. is departing from the party line of Fr. Paul Kramer, or he has not done his research and clearly, in either case, he has not thought this through. This is the most serious crisis in the history of the Church, but sedevacantism is not the way out.

    1. Hello,

      I don't know where you are getting this idea from, but it isn't from the pre Vatican II Catholic Church.

      A pope deposes HIMSELF when he becomes a public heretic.

      The Catholic Church has had dozens of antipopes before Vatican II. St Vincent Ferrer himself called for the deposition of usurpers.

    2. Robert Beaurivage, please prove what you are saying, page and paragraph. Opinions don't count.
      Catholic Encyclopedia: "Heretical clerics and all who receive, defend, or favour them are ipso facto deprived of their benefices, offices, and ecclesiastical jurisdiction. The pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church. "

      Prove that this is not true. Page and paragraph please. When you are finished with that, prove that the infallible Bull Cum ex Apostolatus is no longer in force. Page and paragraph. ( law cannot reverse a Bull)

      And when you are finished with that, prove that Quo Primum was abrogated, or that it was even pissposs to abrogate it.

      No opinions, no talking points. The burden is on you to prove the falsehood of these church teachings. If you cannot prove that they are not true and valid, then you must submit to them.

  6. The Patriarchs are all up in arms. The Coptic Pope opposed it which is why the Coptic Church was attacked viciously in 2017. I think it is more about this,

    ¨and cabinet ministers are studying a bill to expropriate land in Jerusalem that churches sold in recent years to anonymous buyers..The bill would allow certain lands sold by the Greek Orthodox Church to be handed over to the state, which would then compensate those who bought it from the church.´´

    Thanks to Pope Francis. The Patriarchs know that this couldn´t have happened without his support. Oh, the Greek Patriarch is angry alas not surprised. Rome probably misled them.

  7. No Bishop can depose a Pope but obstinate, pertinacious and non recanted heresy can.In that case the Bishop would simply be stating the obvious....the obstinate heretic excommunicates himself.

  8. Yay, a Church man with faith and convictions.

  9. God bless you. We must stand against harazy in our catholic church. Bergoglio is Fols Prophet !!

  10. Vote with money. No more for bergoglio!!

  11. No more money for evil!

    1. Not only is it true for Francis and the Novus Ordo Vatican ll "church" sect,but also stay away and do not give money to all 501c3 churches (state temples).

  12. As a traditional Roman Catholic I appreciate what this patriarch said. Howeved, he has no authority to excommunicate anyone. God will have to remove this false prophet and false pope Francis. it goes without saying, any Catholic who professes fidality with Francis excommunicates themselves.

    1. Please see the Papal Bull, " Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio". Francis is automatically excommunicated without any declaration from anyone. Francis is a false pope just by his heretical words and actions. He lost all authority and jurisdiction, if he had any to start with. He is not Catholic nor a Christian and is outside the true Catholic Church. Francis is or is working with globalists and satanists to destroy all things created by God and to further promote their evil agendas for humanity and the world. Francis along with degenerate others are only leading souls to make wrong decisions that will unless they repent to hell.

      Satan and all the forces of darkness know their time is short
      And are doing all they can to lead people astray.

  13. I am not Catholic, but my sister is. I am a nondenominational protestant.
    I fail to understand why Catholics pray to dead saints, especially when you can pray to God Himself. We don't need any intercessor but Jesus.
    And NO-ONE can forgive sins but God.
    I guess their are a lot of things I question about Catholicism. Not just them either. I'm a bit of a rebel in that if the Bible doesn't tell me to do it, I'm free NOT to. If it says don't do it, I better NOT!
    It does say call no one father...
    I do like that this fellow has dared to speak the truth and call him out on his heresy and blasphemy.
    Imagine saying there is no hell - he might as well have just called Jesus a liar!
    Personally, I think that a pope will be the false prophet. Probably this one.
    I will tell everyone you better get in your bible for yourself, and learn what it says. This ride is going to get really crazy soon. We better BELIEVE the Word of God, understand our authority as a blood-bought believers, and know how to use it! Supernatural entities are going to flood this world soon. We better know how to fight in this spiritual - and at the same time physical - battle, that will hit us like an onslaught of multiple tornadoes.

    1. If you believe the saints are dead and not living in heaven, you do not believe the Bible. Anyone can walk into any of our Catholic churches and see us praying directly to God. We pray for saints to pray to God for us as well just as we would ask our neighbor to pray for us. The saints in heaven are just as alive as your neighbor next door. Saints do not have special powers. We are only supposed to ask them to pray for us, just as we would ask any live person. Those in heaven are clearly alive.

    2. The likelihood hood is your sister is Novusordite, not Catholic. There’s not such thing as a “nondenominational protestant”,
      You refuse to understand why Christians pray to saints in Heaven (1 Timothy 2:1-4; James 5:16; Apocalypse 5:8; 8:4). It’s because our own prayers by themselves can't move God but the prayers of those in Heaven can make our prayers powerful. Not that it makes a difference because Heaven does not hear the prayers of non-Catholics (Leviticus 26:14-17; Psalm 65:18; Proverbs 1:28-29; 28:9; Isaias 59:2; Jeremias 2:19; Lamentations 3:8, 44; Ezechiel 8:18; Micheas 3:4; Acts 10:2-4) The Mediatorship between God and man is the Hypostatic Union (1 Timothy 2:5-6).
      You are no one to dispute Jesus Christ giving the Apostles, their successors, or the priest they ordain the power to forgive sins (John 20:21-23; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21; James 5:16)!
      You just study Christianity to attack it.
      You don’t even believe what the Sacred Bible says. You only believe your personal spin on it (2 Peter 1:20; 3:15-16).
      Your dishonest paraphrasing Jesus Christ’s admonition to call no man father (Matthew 23:9) - when he was talking about following no one who would lead us away from Jesus Christ - and it does not hinder but that Christians are - by Divine Law - to have a due respect for both our parents and our spiritual fathers (1 Corinthians 4:15) - is a sterling example.
      You are no one to dispute Jesus Christ giving the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:18) - and an unfailing Faith (Lucas 22:32) - to Chief Apostle Saint Peter - and his true successors - the last being Pope Gregory XVI. The One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church - not the Sacred Bible - which was written by the Church - (not Sacred Tradition (2 Thessalonians 2:15; 3:6) - which is passed on by the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church - which the Vatican 2 Novusordite Antichurch is not -) is the Sole Authority (1 Timothy 3:15) with the Infallibility and Indefectibility to teach, interpret, and define the Sacred Bible and Sacred Tradition: the 2 Sources of Divine Revelation.
      You have no business telling anyone else to believe the Word of God when you don’t even believe in the Word of God.

    3. Catholics quite rightly pray to the saints to intercede for them to Jesus in heaven. Cant understand why protestants make a big deal out of this. After all the first miracle Jesus performed , even when he protested that his time had not come was at the request of his mother when he turned the water into wine at the wedding feast. This is why Catholics as well as praying direct to Jesus very often pray for his mother to ask on their behalf, but having no doubt that the final granting is by Jesus

    4. I no longer call them "protestants" because we appear to "legitimizes" them if we spread to "recognize" them as "protestors" instead of the lying antiChrists they are. I know why they make such a big deal out of this. I notice they say the same lies against the SacroSanct Ancient OrthoDox Roman Catholic Church now the Idumite (Idumean)s (i.e. Jews) said against Jesus Christ because Jewism is to Old TestaMent Christianism what "protestantism" is to New TestaMent Christianism. They hate the SacroSanct Ancient OrthoDox Roman Catholic Church because that's God's Kingdom. They hate all Sacred Images because they remind them of God, Beatissimum Virgin Mother Sanctissimum Maria, the Angels, and the Saints. They get their iconoclasm from the UnOrthoDox who get their iconoclasm from the Mahometans. They all (including the Jews) hate God, Beatissimum Virgin Mother Sanctissimum Maria, the Angels, and the Saints just as much as if not even more than "atheists" do. Mahometans deny His Incarnation because the Koran denies It in most places but admits It in other places. Jews Crucified Him because they're of the world. The only difference is "atheists" deny His Existence.

    5. I no longer call them "protestants" because, if we appear to "recognize" them as "protestors" instead of the lying antiChrists they are, we appear to "legitimize" them. I know why they make such a big deal out of this. I notice they say the same lies against the SacroSanct Ancient OrthoDox Roman Catholic Church now the Idumite (Idumean)s (i.e. Jews) said against Jesus Christ because Jewism is to Old TestaMent Christianism what "protestantism" is to New TestaMent Christianism. They hate the SacroSanct Ancient OrthoDox Roman Catholic Church because that's God's Kingdom. They hate all Sacred Images because they remind them of God, Beatissimum Virgin Mother Sanctissimum Maria, the Angels, and the Saints. They get their iconoclasm from the UnOrthoDox who get their iconoclasm from the Mahometans. They all (including the Jews) hate God, Beatissimum Virgin Mother Sanctissimum Maria, the Angels, and the Saints just as much as if not even more than "atheists" do. Mahometans deny His Incarnation because the Koran denies It in most places but admits It in other places. Jews Crucified Him because they're of the world. The only difference is "atheists" deny His Existence.

    6. I no longer call them "protestants" because we appear to "legitimizes" them if we appear to "recognize" them as "protestors" instead of the lying antiChrists they are. I know why they make such a big deal out of this. I notice they say the same lies against the SacroSanct Ancient OrthoDox Roman Catholic Church now the Idumite (Idumean)s (i.e. Jews) said against Jesus Christ because Jewism is to Old TestaMent Christianism what "protestantism" is to New TestaMent Christianism. They hate the SacroSanct Ancient OrthoDox Roman Catholic Church because that's God's Kingdom. They hate all Sacred Images because they remind them of God, Beatissimum Virgin Mother Sanctissimum Maria, the Angels, and the Saints. They get their iconoclasm from the UnOrthoDox who get their iconoclasm from the Mahometans. They all (including the Jews) hate God, Beatissimum Virgin Mother Sanctissimum Maria, the Angels, and the Saints just as much as if not even more than "atheists" do. Mahometans deny His Incarnation because the Koran denies It in most places but admits It in other places. Jews Crucified Him because they're of the world. The only difference is "atheists" deny His Existence.

    7. I agree. People have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the wrong people and do not want to know or find out the truth. You can give most people information and links but you can't make them think.

  14. Peter "C" is correct regarding the sedevacantism. Fr. Kramer has been avoiding this issue for decades now. I know because I know him personally. He must admit it before God. You can't play both ends or the middle of the road, Father Kramer. The middle of the road belongs to satan. You must come clean and tell all. It's time. God demands it of you. You will have to answer to HIM.

  15. They can’t do that.

    1. He’s not the pope. They’re not patriarchs. They’re all outside the Church!

    2. A pope automatically excommunicates himself. No one can excommunicate a pope. A Council can’t do it. A cardinal can’t do it. A patriarch can’t do it. A bishop can’t do it. A pastor can’t do it. A priest can’t do it. No one can do it. It happens automatically.


  16. Please see

    1. Why the pedantry? This thing that people are calling "Pope Francis" is not even a Christian: he promotes idolatry of a shamanic idol (the "Pachamama") in several of the churches in Rome. The man is neither a Catholic nor a Christian. And you are quibbling over such niceties regarding excommunication? Not necessary for this beast.
      Its much simpler than that. Jesus says, "He who is not with me is against me; he who does not gather with me scatters." Bergoglio is against Christ. And the simple Gospel as written trumps theology and canon law, indeed, these depend on it for any force they have.
      Bergoglio is not a Pope because he is not a Catholic and not a Christian. He is a "Pachamamian", an idolater. Done.

    2. Why the false accusations of by the entry? Why not tell me something I don't already know? like all the post-"schism" mainstream "churches" are invalid!

    3. Don't worry all mainstream churches are invalid due to being a 501c3 incorporated organization as well as their pick and choose (they all do it ) heresies and do as they are told by the state. They are all state churches.

  17. Francis was never a pope. He was an impostor put in by globalists and those unfaithful in the Vatican. He is a destroyer to everything that is good and holy. He does the Devil's bidding, Francis is not your friend. People who say he is pope should know better. He does not work for you and your soul.

  18. You can give most people information and links, but you can't make them look at it or make them think. Stop sitting on your arse, and speak out and write to everyone you can, and inform them. Shout the truth from the root tops and house tops, for the Glory and Honor of God. Your eternity depends on it.

  19. A life not fulfilled in Christ is no life at all. Where true Charity is, there is where Our Blessed Lord is.Therefore, in this world of SAULS, We need to be like ST. PAULS. May the Most Holy Trinity, be always Praised and Adored in Heaven and on earth, Forever and ever.

  20. Francis does not care. He continues in his heretical and apostate agendas.

  21. All that is needed for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing. More evil in the "Church" and in the world is planned, yet no one speaks out or tries to stop it.

  22. Where are all the traditional Catholics? Where have they gone? Why is no one speaking out and trying to fight the evils in the Church, and currently in the world? Don't t they know that their eternity depends on it? Of course,the Rosary and prayers help, but we must also take action against these destroyers of Faith and society. And call them to repent. We must let them know that they are going on the road of perdition. Unless, we stop them more evils will come.

    1. Novos Ordo watch are speaking out

    2. Novos Ordo watch speak out

    3. It may be too little, too late. The problem is that, most people do not see or listen to sites like Novus Ordo Watch, and have no clue. And, in most cases, the few who do, do nothing. Again, except the very few and rare persons.

    4. Most people do not listen to or visit Novus Ordo Watch and similar sites, and have no clue.

    5. Most people do not listen or visit sites, like Novus Ordo Watch, and have no clue. This especially true for people who only get the news and information from the mainstream sources.

    6. People only speak out (if ever) when it is too late or not at all. That's why the evil doers laugh and get away with pulling bad laws and garbage on the people. Because they know that the good people will do nothing of significance to stop them.

  23. By their fruits, you will know them.

  24. Please pray to St. Dagobert ll : " St. Dagobert, faithful and true, with our sadness, but above all, with God's Most Merciful Grace, please hear us and come to the help and defense the unborn and the helpless. Amen".


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